It’s no secret to anyone who knows me how important I feel it is to exercise. Some might go so far as to say I’m a little crazy when it comes to the topic. Aside from the practical piece of it - feeling that it is a key element of being on top of our physical well being - the mental health benefits are extremely rewarding. We’ve discussed in a previous post about the Body aspects - modeling for our children the need to integrate healthy behaviors in our lives in order to make it part of their norm. We’ve also discussed the ME TIME aspect of it in a Previous post. Today I want to discuss a different key element.
Before turning to the main point of my post, I want to put one disclaimer out here. The why not to do this. Don’t get me wrong, I think everyone should integrate some form of exercise into their lives. But I tire of people saying things to me about how they should really exercise for weight reasons. Exercising DOES help maintain a stable, healthy weight but it is not an Avenue to weight loss (if you ask me, a non professional, I may add). It IS a good part of a healthy lifestyle but PART is the key word. Exercise for the multiple benefits - but don’t see it as a magical diet fix. The best way to lose weight, if weight loss is one of your health goals, is to make a full plan that includes healthy choices and exercise. And if you’re struggling with weight related issues, there are many professionals (doctors, dieticians, etc) who can help you make a plan.
Ok so back to the previous idea - to me, those benefits we discussed are some of the whys. What I want to talk about today is the HOW.
I think to figure out a way to make something work, we first need to understand what’s holding us back. I see three main barriers to making exercise part of life: TIME, SUPPORT & MONEY.
TIME - even before you became a parent, you were probably busy and overcommitted, it’s the norm in today’s culture. Everyone is pursuing something at all times. When my kids were little someone once told me that everyone can make the time for something (I can’t recall what it was they wanted my time for) and I disagreed - even things we care deeply about get shunted to the side when practical life takes a front seat. But I stand corrected because I have seen time and again that people find the time for essentials. You make the time when you see it as essential. If you see your physical and mental health as a priority and you see exercise as a key piece in that equation, you will find the time.
SUPPORT- this element takes on so many meanings in my mind. You can do things on your own but it’s always harder. Having a supportive partner makes a huge difference in your chance for success. This could mean a partner in your exercise - a spouse or friend is ideal - but it could just as easily mean a supportive partner who makes sure you can get out the door. I always find that having supportive community in my exercise enables me to not only have someone to exercise with but also someone to be accountable to and to push me farther or vice versa. I’ve developed some of the best friends in my various running groups and they’ve truly become an incredible part of my life.
MONEY- no matter if you’re in a crowd that discusses this or not - many people struggle with finding funds for extras. And many people think they need to put out money in order to get going on a new exercise regime. Be it for a gym membership, trainer, equipment or classes. The truth is - you need nothing more than a pair of sneakers to start (and starter tip - Ross sells cheap ones of older models). It doesn’t matter what type of exercise you want to do eventually - just start with something and go from there. You can walk or run - the important part is taking that first step.
Now that you’ve thought about what’s holding you back, you’re more likely to find solutions to make it possible.
If time is the issue, figure out what can be trimmed from your schedule here or there - don’t feel like you need an hour a day - start with something attainable like 3 times a week for half hour. Like anything new, introducing it in small doses is your surest way to stick with it.
Support - If your partner or kids don’t realize the need you have for some flexibility to fit this in - discuss it. Explain the benefits. Have small kids and can’t leave? Take them along for the ride. Talk to friends or other parents - see if you can find someone to partner up with. It is both someone to commiserate with while you’re overcoming the beginning challenges and someone to talk to and pass the time. Sometimes, it’s actually the best support group you can ask for while raising children.
Money - there are no shortage of streets, paths and beautiful places to explore while you fit this in - and they’re all free - double benefit! If outdoors doesn’t appeal - YouTube! There are tons of free videos with workouts from yoga & pilates, cardio, abs and everything in between.
So get out there and move -
— carve out the time
— set up a support system before you begin
—take the first step
You’ll likely be a better parent and a more energetic person once those endorphins kick in.
Good luck, hope to see you on the trails!
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