Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Unsung Heroes

I have big ideas for things to discuss this week but I wanted to put out a quick Mother’s Day post - an ode to the unsung heroes:

For the days when you are noticed and all the days you’re not...
From day 1 something changed And your focus moved from within to without 
The toddler tantrums turned into teenager rants and believe me it is all real
But you endure and you keep giving cuz that’s what moms do 

Food that appears in the house when no one was in the mood to shop
Laundry loads that miraculously get done and put back in drawers 
Dinner that happens no matter whether you were inspired to cook 
But you endure and you keep giving cuz that’s what moms do 

The epitome of a multitasker - no matter how many things you’re in the middle of, you’ll stop to help with the urgent need or question 
There’s never been a finder like you - when things are desperate and they have “looked everywhere” - one glance from you and the item is found 
But you endure and you keep giving cuz that’s what moms do 

You are there for everyone and for their every need 
Tolerate the messes for the sake of creativity 
You Nurture ideas and foster kindness 
And you endure and you keep giving cuz that’s what moms do 

The moments where they come for a hug or to share a problem make it worth it 
Depending on the age and stage, they may be rare but they make it worth it 
You keep loving, keep learning, fine tune your methods ...
Cuz you’re a mom and that’s what moms do. 

Happy Mother’s Day!

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