Tuesday, May 4, 2021


להגיד בבקר חסדך, ואמונתך בלילות

I had written a whole piece on how to start exercising that I was going to send out to the group (and still plan to) but there are times when we just need to pause and reflect. 

My main goal with this blog has always been a type of journal that I use to think out life (and possibly help others sort thru their parenting dilemmas and challenges) and also for my kids older selves - so they could look back to see how and what I was thinking and feeling as we went through our daily lives. 

The tragedy in Meron, Israel last week is one of those times. When something so huge happens to our own people, we need to pause. Everyone processes tragedy differently. Some people need to sit with the pain and feel and let it sink in and pass. Others can’t think about it because it’s plain too much to take in. Some people felt this one far too close to home as they had kids there, family or friends there, knew someone who didn’t survive or had some close or even tangential connection. Some people need to understand how it happened while others search for the why. 

I can’t answer any of these questions for anyone. Nor can I actually tell you the best way to present this to your children or to process it yourself.  I do think that wherever you go from here, go changed. If this or any tragedy passes as just happenstance and we resume life as it was before, than there is wasted opportunity. Hold your children tighter, appreciate what is without worrying about what isn’t or cannot be. 

I can’t help but feel that sometimes, G-d is whispering to us and other times He is on a loudspeaker - what message He is delivering is likely different for every person and I’m sure there are many messages we will never understand.  Open your heart and try to hear whatever the message is for you. 

May each person touched by this tragedy find healing and comfort in the days to come.